Submarine Silence

The new Submarine's work is finally out!
For more Infos about

Cristiano Roversi, David Cremoni, Guillermo Gonzales
The former members DAVID CREMONI and CRISTIANO ROVERSI (Moongarden) founded The band in 1995 to appear on "The River Of Constant Change" first tribute to Genesis ever. In 2000 They choose to release a full lenght album entirely Instrumental with EMILIO PIZZOCOLI on Drums. PAUL WITHEAD drew both the Logo and the cover. With the Help of GIGI CAVALLI COCCHI on drums and RICKY TONCO they release a second studio album called "There's something very strange in her little room".
EMILIO record his last Album with SUBSILENCE "Journey Through Mine" to pass away to a better life in 2017 RIP.
Currently the band is writing a new album....
Latest News
The new album "Journey Through Mine" is now available , Produced by CRISTIANO ROVERSI and released by Maracash Records.
Artwork by The "Maestro" ED UNITSKY